Saturday, February 21, 2009

Painting Nude

I just finished my second attempt at painting on canvas. I usually paint on paper but every once in a while something screams out to be taken all the way =D

My first real painting was a small golden nude made for the BFs Birthday last summer. I was quite pleased with it and learned a lot from the process (should try to drum up a pic of it some day).

As I am currently on a black & white streak the (lack of) color selection came natural.

(outlined and building shadows)

(FINISHED - although the paint has yet to dry)

My new art project is off to a pretty good start :o)

Happy (soon) Sunday everyone!



Traveler 0019 said...

All that photographer talent and you can paint too? Coooollll :).

ps. When I read your title, I was thinking "geez, doesn't she get cold?"

ByAnitaLarsen said...

This is actually painted from one of my photographs :o)

PS: *giggles* I wish...

cookiebees said...

Is there anything you can't do? ;) I doubt it! You're so awesome! Me likes!

Anonymous said...!