Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sweet Tea

Mark, Lisa, and I spent yesterday cruising around the Shenandoah Valley.
First stop was Staunton, VA where we visited L's family and her old boarding school.

I shot this while waiting for our lunch. Am not a fan of sweet tea except as a subject :)

No PhotoShopping beyond logo.

Hope you enjoyed the weekend. I am off to watch the rest of the Flyers game.



Cherish the Moment Photography said...

Why dont you like sweet tea? Its a "southern" staple. Despite my "strict" diet that I am on, I cant resist a glass or two each day, better than how much I used to drink :-D

Great work as always Anita.

Traveler 0019 said...

I could totally use one of these today. High 80's today through Wednesday!

ByAnitaLarsen said...

I used to love all things sweet Joey. Now not so much. Oh well.

Ron: I'll trade you? :)

Peabody said...

Who cares about sweet tea... when images like this are afoot!!


Just wonderful

(you know this style is my favorite)

M.Angelo said...

One thing I noticed about Iced Tea photographs: The picture always seems tastier than the real thing.

ByAnitaLarsen said...

I cared very much about the object, the beauty :) Thank you Peabody; glad you like this.

M: You are a man after my own heart :D

-slj (steve) said...

SWEEET! Haven't had that in ages. What a shot!

Still working a lot...Will get that camera someday :)

ByAnitaLarsen said...

I hope you'll get a camera soon Steve. It would add to your hikes etc.