Thursday, April 30, 2009

LensBaby Me

I am officially in love with my new LensBaby, and fake eyelashes :D

I have been goofing around with both tonight. Working the sweet spot is beyond tricky when shooting self portraits but at least I had fun.

I used the double glass optics without creative aperture.

All editing (except logo) is done during RAW conversion.

How do you keep yourself busy while cooped up inside?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sweet Tea

Mark, Lisa, and I spent yesterday cruising around the Shenandoah Valley.
First stop was Staunton, VA where we visited L's family and her old boarding school.

I shot this while waiting for our lunch. Am not a fan of sweet tea except as a subject :)

No PhotoShopping beyond logo.

Hope you enjoyed the weekend. I am off to watch the rest of the Flyers game.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I spent most of the afternoon playing around with my new favorite toy:

Lensbaby Composer

This baby rocks sooooo bad. It takes a little getting used to working the sweet spot but I think I am getting the hang of it :)

My friend Mark gave me an assignment; to create a shot with a golf ball in it. I ended up trying to calm down the HyperPup so he could model.

Finally, a creative shot of the back yard shot through the window in "my" room (aka the guest bedroom. Can you tell this place is like my second home? =D )

I am off to help cook dinner. Happy Easter everyone!


Monday, April 6, 2009


Just back from watching the Danish National hockey team beat Japan.

I had almost forgot how much I love the sport.

Just a quick post before I finish packing for DC

Have a great Easter!
